Not all branding is personal, but it should be.

Most branding is personal. Personal refers to the approach taken, rather than the fact it’s a brand with a person’s name or face.

Personal doesn’t refer (at least when I use it) to the fact that you are branding a single person. You can brand a small business with a personal approach. You can brand a person with an impersonal approach. Huh?

The impersonal approach means creating a brand that is NOT an authentic extension of the entity. It’s starting with the desired ends and mapping the most efficient, market-friendly approach to get there. If you have no personal connection to your target market, this unfortunately the way to go. Luckily, you have a lot of personality and it is something you can capitalise on. In this case, we can take the personal approach.

Branding for a personal business, side hustle, solo enterprise, is a pleasure because it’s uncovering what makes that person great, and how they’re going to improve life for many others.

If you’re a you, don’t try to be a them. Brand in an honest, transparent way, and create a brand that encourages you to remain true to yourself and chase your dreams.