Is branding worth it for a side-hustle?

It’s tempting to think branding is only for big budget business. But a little brand strategy is essential for the success of any and every business. The best hustles you know have a designed brand, whether it’s a personal or not. You know about them because of the brand – what you think about them is effected by a brand that was designed to influence you.

OK- I’m a little biased. I’m a believer in brand strategy, and I sell it. But I’m biased for good reason. I learned the importance of branding the hard way.

Bias aside, it’s undeniable that part of the reason you like those brands is how it makes you feel about yourself, and how it vibes with your subsconscious mind. It does this by design, and it does this without you really knowing about it. Because this is good branding.

Great brands also empower you by changing your beliefs – and therefore what’s possible for you. See our post on branding insights from Blindsight for more on this.

Branding on a side-hustle budget

Money is a major issue with side hustles. You want maximum roar for your rupee – every dollar counts.

Successful business, entrepreneurs and side hustles don’t present things in a random way – at the whim of whatever designer you get to help you (let’s face it, often a choice dictated by $$$). They setup a brand and let that dictate choices.

And this is why brand strategy is useful – even a little. Have you seen the movie Limitless, where the guy suddenly knows what to do? Brandstrat is like that.